Policy Papers     

Thomas Baudin

Does ageing impoverish developed economies?

Topic: In this short article in the journal Pour l'éco (in French), I explain why ageing should not be seen a threat for our societies. I recall how the Ben-porath effect has contributed to the growth of our economies and how immigration may help solving issues related to thedistortions of age pyramids due to ageing.

The engine of technology: growth, development and family.

Topic: In this debate (in French) with David Stadelmann from University of Bayreuth, we expose our views on the past, the present and the future of economic growth. I explain why I believe in humankind's capacity to address the climate challenge but also why I am convinced that this can be done only if governments invest massively in research.

Interview on France Culture's show "Entendez-vous l'éco" with Hélène Périvier

Topic: How economist explain the decisions to have children or not, how many and for which educational investment. This show has been the occasion to discuss the contribution of Gary Becker and others to our understanding of fertility behaviors around the World.

Interview in company of Simone Moriconi about the research project MALYNES on migration, family behaviors and labor supply.

Childlessness is high in the US once again, but this time it’s driven by choice, not poverty:

Abstract: Recent years have seen a rise in childlessness rates in the US close to levels not seen for more than a century. In new research which examines the drivers of childlessness then and now, Thomas Baudin, David de la Croix and Paula E. Gobbi find that while in the early 20th century poverty meant that many women were forced into having fewer children, better education and higher income for women are now the causes of childlessness.

Fécondité et Infécondité aux Etats-Unis : entre choix, fatalité et inégalités

Abstract: En 1960, Gary Becker publiait « An economic analysis of fertility » et en 1981, la première édition du « Treatrise on the Family », ouvrages qui n’ont pas tout à fait fini d’agiter le monde des économistes (de certains en tout cas) et des démographes. Dans ces contributions, ainsi que dans nombre de ses articles, Becker défend l’idée que de grandes décisions telles que se marier, devenir parent ou divorcer résultent d’un arbitrage rationnel. Cet arbitrage est régi par la même mécanique que celle qui meut un individu dans un supermarché: il ou elle maximise son utilité sous contrainte ; contrainte de budget mais pourquoi pas aussi de participation.

Endogenous childlessness and stages of development

Abstract: The fertility of women in developing countries is higher on average than in developed countries, yet many women in developing countries remain childless. This column argues that understanding the causes of why some women choose childlessness is important if we wish to predict the impact that development policies have on the demographic transition of poor countries.